Ever finished a beautiful piece of resin art just to find some annoying drips clinging to the underside? Like uninvited guests crashing your art party, these pesky resin drips are unwanted guests, and they can be annoying to deal with. Conventionally, you had to sand them down (a long-lasting pain!), or perhaps if you were lucky, catch them at just the right moment when they were semi-cured enough and cut them off with a blade. But there is an easier, and dare we say, also fun resin art hack that both the beginner and seasoned pro swear by: liquid latex. This peel-off trick helps create a temporary skin over your artwork, catching any drips so you can remove them easily later. Say goodbye to the dirty cleanup and hello to smooth, clean edges with this handy trick! 

Why Use Latex for Resin Drips?

Using liquid latex as a drip-catcher is a game-changer for resin artists.​ Brush it on the base or backside of your project and it forms a protective barrier that epoxy drips won’t stick to. Once the resin cures, simply peel off the latex – drips and all – in one go. No more chiselling or endless sanding to get a smooth finish! This simple fix keeps your piece pristine and saves you a ton of time. No wonder many resin crafters consider the latex barrier a must-have trick for easy cleanup​. Using a quality liquid latex (like Tulsi Resin’s Latex solution) ensures you get that nice, drip-free result.

Latex | Tulsi Resin

Step-by-Step: Removing Resin Drips with Latex

Ready to try this drip-stopping method? Here’s how to do it:

  1. Prepare Your Piece: Place your piece on a level, elevated surface (so edges are accessible) and ensure the back is clean and dry. Seal raw wood or other porous surfaces beforehand so the latex will peel off easily later. Gather your materials (liquid latex, brush, resin, etc.) and put on your gloves.

  2. Apply the Latex Barrier: Squeeze or brush on a thin, even layer of liquid latex to cover all areas on the backside where drips might land (right up to the edges). Tip: Apply two thin coats (let the first dry before the second) for a stronger barrier that won’t tear when peeled off.

  3. Let it Dry: Wait about 10–30 minutes for the latex to dry completely (it should turn clear and not feel sticky)​ before pouring resin. Pouring resin on wet latex can cause a mess, so don’t rush. Use this time to mix your epoxy resin and any colours.

  4. Pour Your Resin: Pour your resin as usual over your piece. Don’t worry about drips – excess resin will end up on the latex layer. Allow the resin to cure fully (about 24–48 hours) on a flat, level surface​.

  5. Peel Off the Latex: After the resin cures, flip your piece over and peel off the latex. It will come off in one satisfying sheet, taking all the drips with it​. If any small bits remain, pick them off. You’ll have a smooth, clean backside, and no sanding is needed.

Additional Tips for Success

  • Safety First: Latex contains natural rubber (and a bit of ammonia), so work in a ventilated space and wear gloves when handling it. If you have a latex allergy, use nitrile gloves or a silicone-based barrier instead. (Safety first, always!)

    Resin Safety Kit | Tulsi Resin Store
  • Cleanup is Easy: Since liquid latex is water-based, you can rinse your brush and tools with water before it dries. Any dried latex will peel off and take the mess with it – hassle-free!


Whether you're just beginning with resin art or have honed your skills over the years, latex will surely rescue the rescuer's hands when it comes to catching and removing drips of resin. You maintain the appearance of the art, and it looks neat and professional. There will be no need to waste time sanding down imperfections, instead preventing them from ever happening in the first place. With this technique, you will spend less time cleaning and more time creating.

Ready to take your resin art game to the next level? Try the latex method and see what a difference it makes. Spoiler alert: Tulsi Resin has everything you need, from easy-peel latex to pro-grade epoxy resins and accessories. Discover the array of products offered at Tulsi Resin today to make your next resin pour easy and fun. Happy crafting!